Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Book: Bubblegum by Sari Taurez
Rating: ★★★
Publication date: 9th October 2017
Synopsis:Tiana is your typical pampered young blonde with a love for expensive shoes, hot guys, and murder. After Tiana is cut off from her family’s riches, she takes advantage of her talents and becomes a killer for hire.
It’s a lucrative business in her country, where a call to the police can amount to a lifetime of debt.

 But when she discovers Bobby Nails has a full army of mercenaries at his disposal, Tiana wonders if she may be in over her head.Her first client: Julia, a lower-class IT genius, lesbian, and devout Catholic. When the orphanage Julia volunteers at is targeted by the infamous brothel-owner Bobby Nails, Tiana is excited to take the job. 

Tiana and Julia face an unexpected adventure as they seek vengeance against the elusive Nails. Along the way they are joined by Ruby, a pyromaniac ex-prostitute who catches Julia’s eye, and William, a mysterious acrobatic fugitive searching for his daughter. In the end, will they be enough to stop Nails and the chaos he has created?

My Review:
*An ARC copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I would like to thank the author for the copy*

Bubblegum was such an action packed rollercoaster of events, where do I begin? There are so many elements of this book that I loved: it was diverse, it was witty, it had strong feminist characters and there were so many twists and turns thatI had to do a double take at times! 

I enjoyed the dystopian world this book created, while it set up the story it still felt very contemporary and real, perhaps not in the too distant future. You all know I love a good mystery and I have to admit that I did not see this twist coming, I loved the twist in this book and it just made it that much better.  

The main element of the book I loved was the characters, they were all so different but all just as likeable and they made a unlikely but awesome team. I think my favourite would have to be Tiana, she is the ultimate badass and it was very fun to read from her point of view. 

While Bubblegum does deal with some darker topics or undertones, the book is definitely a light, fast paced read, if you are in need of some action I would definitely recommend Bubblegum by Sari Taurez.

I will be completing an Author Q & A series on my blog soon and I am so excited to announce that Sari Taurez has agreed to be a part of this, my Q & A with her will be available very soon! 

For more information of Bubblegum, check out Sari's website: https://www.saritaurez.com 


1 comment:

  1. Awesome review! I remember you talking about this on Insta. I want to read it so bad. It sounds so epic and the cover is gorgeous!


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