Monday, 25 September 2017

Book: Editing Emma by Chloe Seager
Rating: ★★★
Publisher: Harper Collins 
Publication date: 1st October 2017
Pages: 230 
Synopsis: When sixteen year old Emma is ghosted by love of her life Leon Naylor she does what any normal girl would do.Emma spends the summer lurking in her bedroom, avoiding all human contact (and the shower), surrounded by the collection of chewit wrappers she saved from packs Leon gave her, back when he actually acknowledged her existence…

But seeing Leon suddenly ‘In a relationship’ on Facebook with the perfect Anna, spurs Emma into action and she embarks on a mission to make positive changes to her life (or ‘edits,’ if you will) and vows to use the internet for more than obsessively stalking Leon’s activities! Instead, she will use it for good and noble causes like finding someone who will actually be nice to her, and recording her findings for the rest of the world to see (i.e. BFF Steph and her mum) on her new Editing Emma blog.

But Emma soon discovers her ‘habit’ is harder to break than she first thought – turns out she’s not the only one ‘editing’ herself online (thank you Tinder for finding her mum’s profile, age 35, really?) and that life through an Instagram filter isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. But it could be worse, she could have outed her best friend, accidentally chatted up a 12 year old boy and revealed to the world why Leon Naylor is worth no girl’s time or virginity… oh no wait, that’s exactly what happened...

My Review:
*A review copy of this book was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I would like to thank the publisher for the copy*

I dont think I have laughed so hard reading a book in a long time... I literally laughed out loud. Editing Emma is a funny, light and very relatable read; I think all girls have experienced the dilemmas that Emma goes through in this book which makes it even more great!

This story reminded me so fondly of the Georgia Nicolson series by Louise Rennison, just your average teenage girl struggling to decipher the mystery that are the opposite sex while also trying to figure out herself in the world.

What I loved about this book was how real it was, it didn't beat around the bush or sugar coat anything, it depicted girls as the beautiful, messy creatures that we are.

My only issue with this book was some of the minor characters frustrated me, however I think that was mostly due to the age difference between myself and the characters in the book. I look back and realise that is exactly how I acted at 16 haha. 

If you are need of a laugh I would definitely recommend Editing Emma, it will take you back to all the awkward hilarious struggles of growing up. 


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