TAG TUESDAY: Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

You may not know this about me, but I LOVE scavenger hunts, so as soon as I saw this tag I had to do it! For this tag there is a list of different items you locate on your bookshelf, surprisingly I was able to find all of them!

This tag was originally created by Sarah over at The Library Of Sarah.

Let the scavenger hunt, BEGIN!

Find an author’s name or title with the letter Z in it

This is one of my all time favourites!!

Find a classic

I tried very hard to get into this book but I just couldn't... I am going to reattempt to read it again soon.

Find a book with a key on it

I have read the first one and part of the second book. 

Find something on yourbookshelf that’s not a book

I have a serious POP problem... See exhibit A above. 

Find the oldest book on your shelf 

I originally read these probably 10 or 11 years ago.

Find a book with a girl on the cover

Find a book with a boy on the cover

Find a book that has an animal in it

Find a book with a male protagonist

Find a book with only words on it

Find a book with illustrations in it

I couldn't find any book with no writing on it, so I thought maybe this would fit this prompt! haha

Find a book with gold lettering

Find a diary 

Find a book written by someone with a common name 

Find a book that has a close up of something on it

I LOVED Queens of Geek, if you haven't read it, do it! I have a review posted on here! 

Find a book on your shelf that takes place in the earliest time period

Find a hardcover book without a jacket

Find a teal/turquoise colored book

Find a book with stars on it

This was the closest I could find, I realised I am lacking stars on my shelf! 

Find a non YA book

Find the longest book you own

I definitely miss understood this prompt, I thought it meant in size not in length of the book. 

Find the shortest book you own

Find a book with multiple PoVs

Find a shiny book

Find a book with flowers on it

I tag my beautiful friends Erena from An Organised Pile of Mess and Stephanie from Stephanie Leanne Bookish.

Let me know in the comments if there are any tags you would like to see for future Tag Tuesday's!


1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, this is such a cool tag! I'll definitely be doing this one! Thank you lovely!


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